What are dental implants?
Dental implants are substitutes for the roots of missing teeth. They act as an anchor for a replacement tooth or crown or a set of replacement teeth, to restore form and function.

Am I a candidate for dental implants?
Implant patients are of all ages and implants may be the right choice for anyone missing one or more teeth due to injury, disease or decay. They are especially practical for patients who can no longer wear removable dentures. The Implant Dentist will determine if you are a candidate for dental implants after a careful evaluation of your dental and medical history.

Are there different kinds of dental implants?
Yes. Most dental implants are placed into the bone, and are of differing sizes. Infrequently, a custom made implant can be used that would be placed over the bone. This is available in cases of extreme bone loss.

Do I have enough bone for dental implants?
It is important for a patient to have enough bone to support the implant. If you do not have enough bone, there are many safe and effective ways to correct bone deficiency. The doctor will assess this and advise you if additional bone material is needed.

Will dental implant treatment take a long time?
Treatment time can vary greatly depending on your needs. Each situation needs a separate evaluation so your Implant Dentist will be able to give you an approximate timetable after your initial consultation.

Whom should I consult for my dental implant treatment?
Opelika Dental Implants is your first resource for this service. In addition to dental implants, our dentists have training and extensive experience in all areas of general dentistry and also years of experience and training in state of the art dental implant procedures.